
Sentosa SQ Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Panel

Detect sequence variants in NSCLC samples



The Sentosa SQ Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC) Panel is a Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS)-based test that simultaneously detects DNA sequence mutations in 11 genes from formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE) samples for research use only. This panel is intended to be used on the Sentosa SX101 with the Sentosa SX FFPE II gDNA Kit in conjunction with the Sentosa ST401 and Sentosa SQ301 instruments.

For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostics procedures.


Target GenesNumber of AmpliconsNumber of Target MutationsAmplicon Locations in Exon(s)
NRAS 3 19 2, 3, 4
CTNNB1 1 5 2
PIK3CA 2 14 10, 21
FGFR3 3 9 7, 9, 14
KIT 3 8 11, 13, 17
EGFR 4 10 18, 19, 20, 21
BRAF 2 15 11, 15
RET 1 1 16
PTEN 3 3 5, 7
KRAS 3 22 2, 3, 4
TP53 3 7 4, 6, 7
System Control 1 NA NA
Total 28 113  


Provision of Reliable Results

  • Minimal sample input -- 10 μm section of FFPE tissue or 5 ng DNA per library
  • Automated and user-friendly data analysis and results reporting with Sentosa SQ Reporter

Providing Laboratory Efficiency

  • From sample to result in 2 days
  • Detection of up to 5% variant frequency
  • Seamless sample traceability and IT connectivity



Sentosa SQ NSCLC Panel Flyer RUO EN



ProductPack SizeItem Number
Sentosa SQ 318 Chip Kit (8) RUO 8 runs 300301
Sentosa SQ NSCLC Panel Reagents (4x8) RUO 4x8 300357
Sentosa SQ Oncology Solutions (4x8) RUO 4x8 300224
Sentosa SQ Sequencing Reagents (8) RUO 8 300310
Sentosa SQ Sequencing Solutions (8) RUO 8 300314
Sentosa SQ Sequencing Supplies (8) RUO 8 300304
Sentosa ST Template Beads (8) RUO 8 300320
Sentosa ST Template Reagents (8) RUO 8 300317
Sentosa ST Template Solutions (8) RUO 8 300323
Sentosa ST Template Supplies (8) RUO 8 300326